Deck of Cards


This morning I had about 30 minutes for a workout. Not enough time to get to the gym and back, definitely not enough time for a yoga class, and I wasn’t really in the mood to get dressed to go outside for a run. I thought for a second about what I had in my apartment that I could utilize for a quick and efficient workout. Then I remembered my first ever November Project workout, Destination Deck. If you haven’t heard of November Project you NEED to go on the website to really get the gist of it, actually you really have to go to a workout to fully understand it, but for now the website will give you all the info you need. Anyways for this first workout we used a Deck of Cards as our “trainer”. In this particular workout we did sit-ups and pushups based on the corresponding color of the card (red or black). For my workout today I decided I needed to throw in some cardio, so I made a quick list for each suit.


Spade=Mountain Climbers


Clubs= Pushups

For each suit I did the designated exercise for the amount of repetitions as stated on the card (ex. 7 of spades= 7 mountain climbers). Once you finish one card you throw it to the side and pick up the next.

By the end of the deck I was covered in sweat, was out of breath, and had completed a super efficient 25 minute workout!

This workout is great because you can change up the exercises every time and can do it when you are on vacation or somewhere/sometime when you might not have any other resources for working out because, let’s be honest, who doesn’t have a deck of cards? If you don’t have one, find a friend who does, or let me know and I will send you one 🙂


“The greatest achievement of the human spirit is to live up to one’s opportunities and make the most of one’s resources”

-Vauvenargues, Marquis