Happy People, Flexible People, Happy, Funny, Flexible People

Two things I want to share today. First, an awesome article that outlines some of the habits of “happy people”



Second, an extremely funny parody on the recently well known Volvo commercial. Make sure to watch in order to get the full effect.

Video 1:


Video 2:


Now you probably understand why Kevan’s class is probably one of my favorite times of the week.


staying warm, a yummy recipe

A few months ago, I posted about trying to kick the coffee habit.  It leaves me feeling thirsty, edgy and I usuallly skip a meal, swilling my hot coffee with cream and sugar instead.  Through my yoga practice I have become aware, that while I love coffee, it may not be the best thing for me to be drinking on a regular basis, nor first thing in the morning.  EASIER SAID THAN DONE… It’s now cold most mornings and I found that without much consideration, and after a whole summer of not drinking coffee, I have located my french press and taken up with the same old ritual that was not serving me well before.

Old Habits Die Hard


In this months Yoga Journal – November, 2013,  I found a recipe for warm milk mixed with healthy spices and honey, and I have begun to make this for myself as a treat now and then, when I feel like I need a little something to clutch in my hands as I commute.  The cinnamon, is beneficial to your digestion system to boot.  Give it a try, it’s pretty special.


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Another variation, before bed calls for adding  a pinch of “Nutmeg and Cardamom (spices that, in Ayurveda are said to promote sleep” – see the article in this months Yoga Journal entitled unwind.  I’m sure this could be done with an almond or coconut milk for those who don’t drink milk.