Letting go of summer…

The small town in Cape Cod that I escape to every summer weekend is the place I really consider home. I am having a hard time trying to grasp that weekends filled with boating, beach runs, and family barbecues are behind me ):



“You can decorate absence however you want- but your still gonna feel what’s missing.”
-Sioban Vivian

summer’s end?

I feel sick even typing these words, but where I live, we are rapidly approaching summer’s end.  The weather is cooling.  The light is changing.   I’m beginning to fill our September calendar with back to school nights and athletic events and I’m noticing a tiny shift in my laissez faire attitude.  AND I DON”T LIKE IT.

Things I’ve done to stave off the shift?  To get what’s left of these last few weeks (without letting the stress descend on me and rob me of what’s left of summer) I’m trying to squeeze more out of my days.  I’m going to get up earlier.  Catch a sunrise or two.  Take really long lazy walks with my dogs, instead of short quick ones.  I’m going to cook fabulous meals for my family.  Take my camera with me more often.  Bring fresh flowers indoors.  Take the rest of my showers outdoors.  I’m going to ride my bike whenever possible, sit on the porch instead of in front of the the T.V.  I’m going to invite friends over and sit with them and I’m going to live it up!

And if it is at all possible for any of you lovely yoginis to find a yoga class at a beach I am utterly begging you to do so!  I was lucky enough to attend a few yoga classes with a friend this summer at the beach, and I dare say… there is simply, nothing better.



breathe… practice… enjoy lingering in the last days of summer and be happy!