Letting go of summer…

The small town in Cape Cod that I escape to every summer weekend is the place I really consider home. I am having a hard time trying to grasp that weekends filled with boating, beach runs, and family barbecues are behind me ):



“You can decorate absence however you want- but your still gonna feel what’s missing.”
-Sioban Vivian

letting go


Day 4 – Prana Power Yoga- 4:30-5:30 Prana 2 Music with Kate Harrington


best yoga tank e.v.e.r sold at  Back Bay Yoga, made by Spiritual Gangster


It’s funny, today my day was filled with commitments and I found myself feeling super angry that I was unable to find a yoga class that was going to fit into my day, how un-yogalike!  But I didn’t give up.  Ali and I must have searched 20 different yoga sites looking at schedules, trying to find the perfect class.  We both wanted to practice and we kinda wanted to go together.  We also wanted a one hour class.  Ali was feeling really under the weather and I was feeling so TIRED!  My 1 1/2 hour class with Misaaki left me feeling depleted.  What I really wanted to try was a restorative class, but this was not an option, not today.  So we ended up at Prana at 4:30, and wouldn’t you know, we found a parking space right out front (this is starting to become a trend Ali, lol)!

Here’s what resonated with me today.  LETTING GO.  Sometimes we need to let go in a pose, to go deeper.  For me today, it was particularly noticeable in 1/2 pigeon.  I tend to hold a lot of tension in my hips.  Sometimes when I’m deep into a pigeon stretch, I think I’ve arrived, but if I search myself i can still feel my muscles fighting me.  Only once I have witnessed the tension there, can I begin to release it.  And only then, does it begin to feel good.

What we practice in yoga is an artform to be applied in our everyday life.  We all carry around a lot in our head.  Our job is to identify the thoughts that aren’t serving us.  We need to witness their presence and then let them go.   To quote our teacher tonight “when you finally decide to let something go, the earth is there to catch you”, so just do it.

