Challenge and Change

The past two weeks Rebecca talked about the importance of change and challenge. When we are in pose and we start to wobble and then fall this is a gift. It allows us to practice and try again. In life we face challenges and failures, and these things allow us to learn. The other day in class Rebecca introduced us to a brand new flow. She complimented us on our ability to follow along versus being in autopilot, which sometimes tends to happen during class. She explained that a new flow, or any type of change for that matter, is good for our brains. Next time you are caught off guard by change in your life don’t get anxious or stressed. Try and think about it in a positive way, and accept the fact that it is actually good for you.



I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it. 

~Pablo Picasso

Barry’s Bootcamp


Although we often talk about yoga on this blog, It is not my only form of exercise. I really enjoy trying everything from training for half marathons, to trying to newest class at the gym. I think switching up your workout routine is important. It keeps you inspired and motivated. Over time my yoga practice has become a mental practice for me, so while it remains stable in my life, and I cannot imagine ever changing it, my cardio and weight training is always alternating. My newest workout obsession is Barry’s Bootcamp. This highly glamorized workout class is often mentioned by celebrities and athletes, and recently opened up in Boston. The class consists of two segments, a treadmill portion and a floor portion that you alternate between, all while remaining inspired by awesome music, and a room dimly lit with red lighting. Let me tell you, this workout is NOT easy, and you will be dripping sweat within two minutes. Literally…only two minutes. Oh, and you will most likely burn close to 1,000 calories in the one hour sweat sesh. Can’t beat that for efficiency. Barry’s is not open in all cities, but if there is one around you I highly recommend you check it out!



“There is no substitute for hard work”

-Thomas Edison

“How Yoga Changes Your Body, Starting the Day You Begin”

I have seen this article posted on various social networks a few times today and thought I would share it. Enjoy 🙂



Too tired to go today

I woke this morning feeling like i was just too tired to go to yoga today. I began to rationalize skipping it, telling myself I needed a day off, or that perhaps I would practice at home. Then I texted Ali and said “make me go to yoga today”. The phone rang so quickly it caused me to laugh and within minutes my energy shifted.  I decided I would go and rest as needed in childs pose today.


This is what I envisioned my practice to look like today, and hence, how I fooled myself into going.  What I found was that once I got there, I was able to practice without feeling tired.  I had to work harder to connect with my breath today, which was surprising, but in the end I enjoyed the most restful 15 minute Shavasana I have yet to experience.  I walked away from the class feeling truly rested and restored, with the additional awareness that I do feel tired and may need a green drink!


Happy I went


making the switch…


I am a coffee lover.  I have a favorite brand, a french press and drinking a hot cup of coffee is how I begin my day.  Lately, I’ve noticed that I’m only having one mug, or that I’m pouring out the remains of an unfinished one.  I think that through yoga, I’ve learned how to listen to my body.  Something is telling me that swilling hot coffee is just not the way I should be fueling my body first thing in the morning.  First of all, I add cream and sugar which are both not super for my waistline.  I’m trying to eat less of both dairy and sugar these days in general.  Secondly, it’s dehydrating and what my body probably would appreciate upon waking is a glass of water.  Lastly, after drinking coffee, I loose my appetite for several hours, and usually don’t want food until at least 11 a.m. in the morning.  Sound familiar?  Our bodies need nourishment upon waking.  Breakfast is about just that, breaking the fast.  So here’s where I’m at.  I’m going to try to abandon my lifelong ritual of pressing coffee for something a little more healthy… green tea.


Last night I brewed some green tea and put it in the fridge.  When I woke this morning I drank a tall glass of water.  Then I blended:

one serving of cold green tea

a handful of ice cubes

2 sprigs of fresh mint

one teaspoon of honey

It was so refreshing and delicious and 20 minutes later I actually heard my stomach growling…. breakfast time!  Here’s a link to 9 healthy recipes for iced tea try it!


Core Work


So I realized last week in Goldie’s Vinyasa class at Back Bay Yoga, that the way I think about yoga has evolved entirely. From the time I started going to Goldie’s classes years ago, until now, the class has changed . Not drastically, but it is different. When I first started attending Goldie’s classes, you arrived to class, got on your mat, and GO! For 90 minutes you moved quickly, vigorously, and intensely. I would leave class drenched in sweat, and would have a good cardio workout under my belt. It did not really hit me until last week how much her class has changed, and how much I appreciate this new style. Just for clarification, when I use the word change, I do not mean it to have a negative connotation at all, rather this change is positive in my eyes. A few years ago, before I fully developed my practice, specifically the mental and spiritual aspects of it, I probably would have been annoyed and angry about this change; now, I love it. Goldie’s class has become more technical. We move through poses slower with more purpose. Each pose leads up to the next, to the next, to the next. I focus on my breath, I focus on what feels good for my body, and I focus on the benefits that every part of me is experiencing from this practice. So no, last week I did not have a physical breakthrough and get into some crazy arm balance, rather I had a mental breakthrough and realized the true core of yoga.

Moral of today’s class: Work your core


Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become


Shake up your breakfast routine!


Spring has sprung and so has my energy!.  A few posts ago I wrote about how eating poorly can truly affect how you feel.  I had overindulged a bit too much, was feeling heavy, and tired and probably a little remorseful.  My sister had come for a visit and we had a blast, but the lingering effects of eating poorly had stayed with me long after she left.

I decided to use my yoga practice and my blog to try and turn things around and I am presently working very hard at this.  I am trying foods I’ve never tried.  Buying foods for my kitchen that I’ve never even heard of and enjoying every minute of it.  Today I would like to share an awesome recipe that I stumbled upon online and altered slightly by adding vanilla protein powder.  It’s obviously great for any time of day, but I happen to like it for breakfast, when I feel most rushed about what to eat, tending to skip off and just grab a coffee.


Blend Together:

16 ounces of coconut milk

1 cup of blueberries

1 banana


and a scoop of plain or vanilla protein powder

Save 1/2 and stick it in the refrigerator for tomorrow.  You will be pleasantly surprised and relieved at the no hassle breakfast choice before you!  I know I was.