Challenge and Change

The past two weeks Rebecca talked about the importance of change and challenge. When we are in pose and we start to wobble and then fall this is a gift. It allows us to practice and try again. In life we face challenges and failures, and these things allow us to learn. The other day in class Rebecca introduced us to a brand new flow. She complimented us on our ability to follow along versus being in autopilot, which sometimes tends to happen during class. She explained that a new flow, or any type of change for that matter, is good for our brains. Next time you are caught off guard by change in your life don’t get anxious or stressed. Try and think about it in a positive way, and accept the fact that it is actually good for you.



I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it. 

~Pablo Picasso

Letting Go of Struggle

Letting Go of Struggle

“Over time, yoga becomes not just something we ‘practice’ but something we live.  We let go of unnecessary struggle and are able to solve life’s inevitable challenges with greater ease and grace.  As we become balanced and centered, our interactions become more conscious, calm, and relaxed.”  Yoga Journal, Aug 2013

For those of you who have not been following our blog from the beginning, welcome!  I thought it might be fun to backtrack a little and share how the blog came to be.  Ali and I started the blog as a sort of fitness challenge.  I had decided to try and do yoga, for 25 days in a row (warding off Christmas stress), partway through, Ali joined me and together we did twelve days of yoga together concluding on Christmas eve 2012!

What we didn’t know then, was how much yoga would change our lives for the better.  Practicing yoga routinely is more than just excercise and we hope that our blog will highlight the benefits and encourage you all to get to yoga!


Have a lovely, peaceful day!
